All communities need rules of some kind. A guild is just one part of our gaming community.
These rules can change with time as fits the guild needs in response to members and the game content and of course members coming up with much better ideas - which pretty much always happens anyway
Firstly a bit on guild ranks - subject to change due to not working smoothly or better ideas from the guildies
1. Guild leader - sadly Blizz created an all powerful leader oh well that will be Mushypeas as he bought the charter but in this guild everyone is included everyone has a voice
2. Guild Managers - probably two other people to help recruit and make decisions etc and have my back
3. Epic Raiders - self explanatory you are a pretty keen raider - additional rules apply
4. Epic Player - we value you as much as anyone else but for whatever reason you are not raiding - maybe you are levelling, maybe you like exploring, maybe you flirt in Org - it's your subs and your game!
5. Member - you just joined and at the moment are sussing the place out and we are sussing you out - welcome! Input is still vital.
All members
1. Guild Leader and Managers decision is to be respected and please be patient with us
2. All members views are to be respected and no one is to willingly upset other members
3. Do not bring the guild name into disripute with other players for any reason this reflects poorly on the guild and makes recruitment very hard indeed (e.g. in a pug, BG, in trade, co-op raid with another guild etc)
4. Try and be polite and not say really inappropriate things in guild chat
5. Try and be as co-operative as possible with fellow guildies e.g. if you have a craft let people know and offer your services for free - you will get other things in exchange
6. Be sensible with the guild bank and ask if in doubt about taking or putting something in
Additional rules for raid members
1. Sign up to raids in good time - this is so we know we are pretty much set for the raid or have to beg favours from friends or basically delay it
2. Try and let someone in the guild know if you can't make a raid or you will be late (obviously stuff happens in life so this can take a hike sometimes)
3. Research the strategy for raids even if it is just a quick skim or watch of a Tankspot video - we all have stuff to do and want to play as much of the game as possible when we do log on but if you think about it if you are clueless about a fight you will spend more time wiping - guaranteed
4. Bring all the reagents that you would have for your class
5. Bring any pots/flasks/food buffs you would expect to use - I don't want the guild to be a burden on one or two players farming fish for example that is a pain for them (I know I have been there before)
6. Have money for repairs, the guild bank will not be paying for these
7. Blaming -do not do it - I don't want to hear it no ifs no buts just don't do it we all make mistakes, lets be adult and learn from wipes
8. Looting - yes it's nice to have shiney but the idea is to progress the guild as a whole so please don't be greedy try to think of the bigger picture. No elaborate rolling systems they just don't work a simple Need if you need for MS and then OS and then shard it and try and act like adults about this and ultimately the raid leaders decision is final.
***Constant flouting of the rules will be met with a yellow card
followed by a red
for more rule breaking (this means you will be asked to sit out a raid), once back from a suspension if the same behaviour carries on the guild management will meet to discuss your membership and the first action would be a demotion and take it from there***