Tuesday, 11 May 2010


Blog update…finally

Still running numerous HC’s with different guildies to gear up.

My long time suffering mage wife Jucinta the Forsaken came back to WoW and switched servers to Steamwheedle so that she could join in with us and help out.

Hasn’t taken her long to get her DpS back up to speed, good job Cheryl.

Foof got hacked for a small period of time from phishing stuff on Warlocks Den, ooh the problems of being a lock…Anyway props to Blizz they were rerally quick at getting the gear and gold back to Jan’s 50000 alts and also to our Guild Bank, so thanks Blizz. I know Jan has felt very badly about this but really it could have happened to any of us. Jan has ordered an authenticator and that will help her and the guild ultimately. The more people that can get this the better, they are available on iPhones and other mobiles now plus the Blizz one. Pro – you are protected and have a cool free in game non combat pet – Con – can’t think of one

Guild drama – not so much drama but we had unfortunately recruited a few guild hoppers. This was always bound to happen.

In the interest of stability I intend to recruit differently – I may post a few ads linking the web site from other wow related web sites that I use. Additionally as we are running numerous groups at various levels then I am always on the look out for nice people. What I propose doing with anyone that is interested in joining the guild is not an instant invite but an invite to some of our hc’s etc to gauge if they like us and us them and what their aims etc are and then invite them as I just don’t want any more guild hoppers they are basically a pain in the arse.

I did have a lot of raids scheduled in the calendar but cancelled them all. I think I was overoptimistic about our expectations of what we could achieve raiding wise presently but really when I look at the guild roster we are low on people and low on certain key roles so bearing this in mind I think we need to be patient and take a step back to help people gain gear and experience before progressing. I do not want us to jump to ICC without gaining our raid skills prior as that is guaranteed fail

Anyway, so looking at the current roster what do we have with regards Main spec, back up can be Off spec


We desperately are short on tanks, I have been running 5 mans but in all honesty I don’t like it but will “take one for the guild” I really don’t want to raid as a tank I just don’t enjoy it and after all it is my Off Spec


Holy Pally – geared for Uld/ToC and needs a bit for ICC (it’s me) - Pallymoore

Resto drood – working on gear - Guinesse

Resto drood – new member that is gearing up a bit - Warhorns

Ranged DpS

Mage – 2 x well geared and good dps – Jucinta and Antonidos

Lock – working on gear - Foof

Hunter – working on gear - Ashgill

Melee DpS

Retri Pally – working on gear - Acerimmer

DK – well geared – Narm etc

DK – working on gear Zero

Enhance shammy – well geared Chiana

We have several alts that can fill holes depending on what we have or don’t such as Chi’s resto/boom drood or my resto/elem shammy

So looking at that what seems obvious to me are a couple of things

  1. we are well on the way to having a solid team and are not a million miles off but clearly need to help people gear up
  2. we need tanks (all of them) and a couple of ranged dps (shadow priest and hunter) and at least one more healer (priest or resto shammy actually maybe both) nad possibly one more melee dps which would be a rogue as we don’t have any

OK so what else?

I brought Hornybugga over to the server after a lot of debate. Before coming to steamwheedle I was levelling this guy a lot and really enjoying playing my boomkin. Anyway I spent an hour or two getting duel spec and went resto/boom and sorting out the talent tree (ouch!) etc. I have been frustrated trying to get into LFG normals as he is level 57 it seems damn near impossible to get into groups. I started 5 the other day and only got to finish Dire Maul, it was a great run with no deaths and I was really enjoying it tbh so really looking forward to capping this guy as I think I could really love drood healing.

Further update on my thoughts above…

Few things have happened over the past few days since I wrote the above.

  1. I got a bit down with constantly being in groups with terrible players and ignorant people mainly on my druid. Spouted off a bit in guild chat and regretted this afterwards as truthfully there was some other things out of game adding to my stress at the time and well it’s annoying at the time but not the ends of the earth!
  2. Matt left the guild on his “alt” that he was playing pretty much exclusively as far as I could see, this followed a remark I jokingly made on Vent which was “Oh don’t get him started” after Foof had said something which was some sexually ambiguous statement in jest I think it was so unimportant to me I can’t even remember what it was. Prior to this Matt had tried to gain attention in guild chat with “I am a raging homosexual!l

I have plenty say about this as there was a whole lot that led up to this but I don’t want to give any more valuable time to someone that constantly needs attention anyway.

I would like to say some more general things though.

As a new guild it is expected that we will have comings and goings, I hope we can get some kind of semblance of stability soon before decent people leave the guild as I know that some people I have spoken to really enjoy being a part of the guild.

I could use some help from anyone and everyone in the guild as it is your guild ultimately and it is what you make of it. So what do I need help with? Helping to find decent players/people that are in it for the long haul. Quashing any drama in the guild. Helping all other guildies when you can and sometimes just thinking oh what the heck do I need those extra 5 emblems maybe I can do something for this guildy instead…yes I am an idealist.

Lastly and ultimately – Be patient and Keep the Faith